
News: ​Spain is much more than just sun, sea and beach!

14 October 2016

Spain is known for the beautiful weather, white beaches and blue sea but there is so much more. At the moment Spain is completely 'hot' and not just because of the climate. The competition among the airlines has ensured that flying to Spain is very affordable and can be flown from multiple airports. Often you are in the Netherlands longer on the road or in the train home than in a flight to the south.

Tourism in Spain

Tourism has boomed in the past year. Probably this year will end with 70 million or more international tourists. This is, of course, because Spain has a lot to offer and has been rising in popularity in recent years. Spain is third on the world ranking of most popular holiday destination. Last year, 51 billion was spent in Spain. One of the most important income for the country. In the past year, Spain received an extra impulse because other countries suffered from terrorist attacks or because of the political climate.

Quality of life

The quality of life in Spain is high. For North Europeans it is getting used to the pace. Outside the capitals there is still a siesta and in the culture Spain still has the mañana image. You have to surrender to it, first defrost a little. The moment you have left the hectic life behind you, you can enjoy all the beauty that Spain has to offer. Mediterranean diet, art, culture and a wonderful climate.


Despite the fact that Spain is not governed at the moment, it is slowly getting better. In the first two quarters the economy increased by 3.4 and 3.2 percent compared to 2015. Perhaps this is also secret. A new government will be renegotiated again at the end of October.

Housing market in Spain

After several difficult years after the crisis, Spain has regained confidence in the housing market. The number of homes sold has increased by 20.3% to 33,501 in the month of August, with which more homes have now been sold for more than seven months than last year. The majority of these are existing homes. The number of applications for new-build homes is rising. The major advantages that a new home has to an existing one is often decisive. The quality and guarantee are important but also the possibility of personal interpretation of the home is a big advantage. In Spain, the brokerage is a liberal profession and therefore there is a huge amount of supply. Often the same is offered by different parties. It is important to look at what different parties have to offer and where their expertise lies.

Self-build in Spain

Alicante Propety Consult has been active in the Spanish housing market since 1994. The distinguishing feature of APC Spain is that we design, build and sell the houses ourselves. Mainly modern design villas on the Costa Blanca. This keeps grip on the entire process and we can easily connect with the wishes of customers from the Netherlands and Belgium.

If you already have plans to build yourself or want a turnkey design villa then you have come to the right place. We guide you from A to Z in your own language. Contact us for more information:

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